Good day to all.
In general, this is: I am 25, she is 21. She has a son and our joint daughter. We have not lived together since January and a month later we have a divorce, the documents have already been submitted.
Let me tell you first:
We were together for almost 4 years, 2 years of marriage. The last six months have been full of fights. Due to the fact that the daughter does not go to kindergarten, both 2/2 worked. I work for 2 days, then she works for 2 days, so we didn’t go anywhere together, and quarrels accumulated and accumulated. At first everything was fine with us. I am a good cook and taught her how to cook. Initially, she couldn’t even fry eggs at all and was a bad housewife. Then she seemed to start trying, but for the last half a year she was generally lazy and I very often cursed at her because I had to call her from work, wake her up so that she would cook breakfast for the children, because she will never do it herself. That's how we lived ... But at one point we had a very strong abuse. For the whole month we were only arguing, and now, after saying very big words each other - I raised my hand to her. I don't even know what came over me. Like it wasn't me. I am very ashamed of this, but all the same, this act has already been done. The wife often did not give a damn about household chores. Coming home from work (I work until night) - I had to persuade her to heat up the food, but she still walked and warmed up with a disgruntled look, and the mood from this fell and it always was. Sometimes there were moments when everything was fine with us, but still something happened later. She also lies very often. On trifles, but lying. I have never gone to the left, I am 100% sure of her fidelity. She is far from being from a prosperous family, and I defended her from her relatives, who tried in every possible way to humiliate her. In general, her relatives did not love me, and my wife said that she loved my mother more than her own.
In general, here she tells me that she will live separately. We had already parted ways several times before, and I was rather cold about it. I knew that she would return and, in general, there was no analysis of what was happening. Everything remained as it is. And then she left and when she came for her daughters, I also approached her and said: “Let's put up already,” to which she answered me that she didn’t miss me at all and so on. That he doesn't think of me at all. It's been 4 days since she left. Okay ... During this time, she never once asked how her daughter was doing. I took the phone from her and went to the social. a network where she wrote to a guy from work who was obviously glued to her and she also asked in response how he was doing, how did he sleep? Because of what, rabies just started in me, I just didn’t understand how my daughter went by the wayside? I pulled myself together and just went to training. So I started to go crazy. Wild attacks of aggression, then in tears he tried to return it, then the swing began. I called her constantly, wrote constantly, to which she constantly answered me that I would leave her behind, that she was disgusted with me, that she did not consider me a member of her family. It was like this for more than a month, until I slowed down and fell behind her ... Then, nevertheless, our communication improved, we began to communicate, she came to the child on her weekends, if the joint fell out and walked together a couple of times. But then I began to notice that she began to change a lot. She became much prettier, began to take care of herself. New hairstyle, lost weight. And the attitude towards the child has also changed ... If we have a joint day off (right now I work every other day, and she is mostly 2/1, but sometimes weekends coincide), then on this day off I will definitely be with the child, and she spends this a day with friends in a cafe or cinema. Those. thoughts of taking the child somewhere do not visit her. I wrote to her, tried to awaken the mother in her, forced meetings with my daughters myself. I just don't understand her. I, being at work, wait faster for the next day to be with my child again. And she sees my daughter much less often and does not seem to be bored ...
In general, when we went to court to file for divorce, I told her that after that our communication ends. Now we only talk about our daughter. And then she called me, wrote when she was bored or went somewhere. She replied that she was used to me and did not want to stop communicating, but I told her that I needed to get rid of my emotional dependence on her and she understood me. So we didn’t communicate at all for several days, but I miss her madly. I did not give my daughter to her, because her son spends more time with her retarded relatives and I don't want that to happen to my daughter either. At first she was threatened by the guardianship authorities, and then she voluntarily agreed to leave my daughter to me. In general, when she was just collecting things, we immediately discussed the fact that my daughter was staying with me. She didn't mind. Well, for several days we didn’t communicate at all, but then the child soon had a DR and started a dialogue on this topic. Then I wrote to her that for some time I would not take the child to her, that I myself would sit at home with my daughters, because. I broke my toe and was on sick leave. She agreed. Today I went to the hospital for a dressing (they put stitches, an open fracture and did not put a cast), and she was not far from the hospital. She called, asked how she broke it, so I told her and I say that she’s in the hospital right now, come on. She came. I called a taxi, drove her to the house, went to my house myself. On the way, they calmly talked and joked. She invited me to go to the park on Sunday with the children, to which I agreed. When she got out of the taxi, she said: "Bye. Call me." I came home, but did not call. She called me herself and said: "I forgot to show you the dress," well, in the social. network threw off the photo. I complimented her on her appearance, said that she suits her new hairstyle. She asked what I was doing, I said that my daughter was going to bake pancakes. She said, "I want pancakes too." Well, I said that tomorrow I'll go to the dressing and I can bring her to work. Well, we talked a little more. There was also a moment when her friend offered to move in with me for a couple of weeks and see how everything would be with us, to which my wife agreed, and then abruptly changed her mind. It was at that moment when she didn't even want to talk to me at all.
I visited a psychologist to recover. Completely reviewed our life together, my behavior, changed my outlook on life and know what I want. For some reason, I think that although my wife was a bad housewife, I have enough strength to change myself, which is what I am doing now, and change her. Maybe stupid and naive ... I lost a lot of weight on my nerves, abandoned training, at first I drank, not for long. Now I go to sports. Gym, I'll be back in martial arts soon.
So, dear ones, is there a chance that she will return or does she just want to remain friends and want to live a free life? If the first - what should I do now? Friendship has been restored. Should I get her again? How to understand that she will be ready to give me another chance?